Valley Center Of The Deaf Offers Client & Vocational Services
VCD can provide individualized guidance and instruction for career exploration including assessments to determine interests, research of various career fields and local labor markets. We then work clients to develop personalized goals that both aid and empower clients in their pursuit of vocational goals that both meet their interests and the needs of the local markets and projected growth sectors.
The purpose of this service is to help clients with the understanding and acceptance of their disabilities. VCD works with clients to help them learn life skills and get needed community resources.
We offer support services to Deaf and hard of hearing students attending Maricopa County community colleges who are also clients of the state’s Vocational Rehabilitation program. These services ensure that students with hearing loss have equal access to all programs offered by the colleges. Services include interpreting, program planning, Deaf awareness instruction, and tutoring.
The Deaf Tutoring Deaf program matches Deaf college graduates with Deaf students (who are also clients of the state’s Vocational Rehabilitation program) to provide culturally appropriate tutoring in a variety of subjects from architecture to zoology. Content tutored is contingent on availability of tutors with the needed experience and expertise. English is a second language for Deaf people who sign. A successful Deaf professional knows the Deaf student’s viewpoint making the tutoring session far more productive. Successful role models inspire students to greater success.