How You Can Help

Your donations are greatly appreciated, not only by us, but also by the people we serve. 

501(c)(3) Non-profit

  • As an agency of Catholic Community Services of Arizona, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, VCD is eligible to receive tax-deductatble charitable donations.
  • VCD is a write-in recipient agency for United Way campaigns (code 0316)
  • We have a vehicle donation program. Please call 1-800-833-3006. Tell the operator that you want your vehicle to benefit Valley Center of the Deaf. Your vehicle will be towed and all paperwork for transfer of title will be provided at no cost to you
  • We can assist you with a plan to include VCD in your will

Checks can be sent to:

Valley Center of the Deaf

5025 E. Washington Street, Suite 114

Phoenix, AZ 85034

Donations are also accepted by credit card over the phone (602) 267-1921, or to donate online  CLICK HERE and select Valley Center for the Deaf to receive your donation.

Valley Center of the Deaf does not, in the provision of services or in any manner, discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, handicap, or familial status

Arizona Charitable Tax Credit

Legislation in May, 2016 has doubled the Arizona Charitable Tax Credit and extended the deadline for you to make your donation.

The Arizona Charitable Tax Credit (also known as the Working Poor Tax Credit) reduces, dollar-for-dollar, what you pay in Arizona state income tax.

  • When you donate to VCD/Catholic Community Services, you can claim a dollar-for-dollar reduction in your Arizona state income taxes:
  • Head of household or individual filer: Now up to $400!
  • And you now have until April 15 to make your qualifying donation

Donations made between January 1 and April 15 may be claimed for the preceding or current taxable year’s credit. It’s up to you.

The extended deadline for contributing gives people an opportunity to know their tax burden for the year, and make an informed decision about their tax credit donation.

The Arizona Charitable Tax Credit is separate from the Private School Tuition (CTSO for Catholic Schools) and Public School Activity Tax Credits. You may claim all three, if you wish!

If you have insufficient Arizona tax liability for the current year, you may carry the tax credit forward for up to five years.

If you prefer to spread out your giving, monthly or quarterly payment options are available.


1. Make your donation to Catholic Community Services (a qualifying charitable organization for this tax credit) by April 15.


Donate online now   CLICK HERE

Mail you check to:

Valley Center of the Deaf

5025 E. Washington Street, Suite 114

Phoenix, AZ 85034

By Phone:

Call (520) 670-0854

2. Prepare your Arizona state income tax return. You do not have to itemize. Use CCS’ Qualifying Charitable Organization (QCO) Code 20345. Complete the Arizona Tax Forms 321 and 320 and include them with your return.

Keep your tax dollars in Phoenix and help create a stronger community for all